Here's a quick update, or Why I'm Not Traveling This Summer

Thing #1: Formulating:
I've spent the last few years working to restore my damaged skin. Luckily my skin hasn't looked as bad as this first photo since I figured out a winning combination of all natural, organic products that repaired it.
Each month my skin is even better, which is fine with me. I'm open to continued healing, aren't we all?
My Worthy Skin Serum is now restocked. It's the 4th time I restocked. Thank you for all of the people who waited patiently. I love helping people improve their Skin Stories. I love a good story.
If you're interested in buying Worthy Face Serum--The Skin Fixer that restores, nourishes and hydrates--like a boss, click HERE. I'm not charging nearly enough because I want it to be available for all of us. $30 for a three month supply (Sale through August 15th, 2021.)
Worthy Face Serum -- The Skin Fixer is good for all skin types. All people.
As you may know, I am a teacher -- who is off for the summer, which means that now I can have a little fun doing the things I love to do. Cooking. Hiking. Traveling. Friending. Family-ing and of course...

Thing #2: Writing:
I'm almost finished with my next book, "No Ketchup in Cuba?" which is due September 1st. Or maybe before, I always think that if only, if possible... you know, if everything goes better than planned that that book come come out sooner. We'll see.
If you're interested in checking out my latest books, click HERE.
Thing #3: Traveling
Oh, I'm an unsure what traveling will look like this summer. I am still dealing with pleurisy. Or is it COVID? Or is it heart problems? There may be a new clue. Maybe.
A new doctor noticed that I have a case of "walking pneumonia" that has overstayed it's welcome. The good news is there are lots of doctors eager to give their input for my crazy new medical. The sad news is I'm not making travel plans until the end of July, which is giving the doctors lots of time to consider all possible treatments and outcomes.
If they come up empty handed, I'll go... somewhere.
What's Next?
Who knows? Right now I'm loving the challenge of running two completely different companies.
And you? What are you up to this summer? Do connect and let me know.
Blog | Holly Winter Huppert (Click here to get an email every time Huppert publishes a blog post. Click on the sign-up button on the top right.)
Holly Winter Huppert is a writer, a photographer and a kindergarten teacher living in upstate NY. Along with teaching and writing, Holly runs two small businesses: a publishing house (Winuply Press) and a Skin Care Company (Worthy Skin Care.)
Check out Holly's Writing Masterclass for Parents of Young Children, a work of heart that Holly did as a service to parents during the pandemic. Holly's area of expertise is in teaching writing to children, and she shares her knowledge in this video. No charge. No signups. Just information. (Want more connecting children and writing? Check out Holly's book of children's writing prompts: Write Now: Ideas for Writers.)
Follow Holly's personal page on Instagram. E-mail her at mshollywinter at Gmail dot com to book a speaking engagement or ask any questions.
Holly Winter Huppert Upstate New York 845-481-3859
(C) 2021 by and Holly Winter Huppert